Barbican Research Associates

                    providing an integrated post-excavation service for the archaeological community


Barbican Research Associates is the UK’s leading independent consultancy specialising in the analysis of archaeological finds and post-excavation management. Our business is based on a tradition of quality, reliability and innovation.



The company was established in 2000 when five like-minded archaeologists met in a café outside the Museum of London to talk about the future of finds research in British archaeology - a few coffees later and Barbican Research Associates was a reality. This year the company had its 25th birthday. See the About page for the celebration



At Barbican we aim to publish truly integrated research for the archaeological community and to promote the study of the past to as wide an audience as possible. This website contains details of the services we offer and summaries of some of the large projects Barbican has been involved in since 2000. Use the projects menu above or click on some of the links on the right to explore them. The resources tab has a variety of useful things such as details of finds groups, archaeological societies, and bibliographies for finds specialists. It also provides access to our ebook publication Basic Statistical Graphics for Archaeology with R: Life beyond Excel which is a guide to how to produce elegant graphics for archaeological publications.

All website contents copyright Barbican Research Associates 2024